According to CDC guidelines and the NYC Mandate, i KADA Dance Center is considered to be part of the “Indoor Fitness” category. Additionally, any facility that offers indoor services is required to provide proof of vaccination for all members in attendance.
Therefore, in order to comply with these guidelines and offer a safe environment to all of our members, i KADA Dance Center will only admit individuals (12 & up) if they have been vaccinated completely (unless exempt due to religious reasons or other valid medical reasons). Any individual that is exempt from vaccination must be tested every 2 weeks for the virus. Valid proof of vaccination (one that has been approved in the U.S) must be provided at the front desk of our facility on the first day and will be used to update your status in our program for the future. Proof of valid documentation can be any of the following:
CDC-issued vaccination card
Photo of vaccination card
New York State Excelsior Pass
Proof of valid ID must be shown along with the vaccination status
All attendees and workers must wear masks at all times within the dance center. A change of clothes and shoes is recommended if you are using public transportation. This policy will be in effect starting November 1, 2021. For any additional questions or concerns regarding these policies, please do not hesitate to contact us at (201-429-2891).
Refund Policies
All classes have a final sale policy in effect. Once a purchase has been confirmed, students will not be offered a refund to the class for any situation. However, students will be provided with credits to use towards any other classes within 2 months of the first class date. Students must notify the dance center beforehand in order to use credits towards other classes.
Class Cancellation/Make-ups
Any & all classes missed due to the client/students negligence cannot be made up. Only under special circumstances (such as health issues, injury, or other approved circumstances by i KADA Dance Center) will clients/students be allowed for making up their classes. All clients/students must notify i KADA Dance Center beforehand if a situation arises causing absence for any class. No exceptions will be made to this rule and all clients agree to adhere to it through their purchase at i KADA Dance Center.
No extensions will be accepted for any monthly/special packages. If a class is missed, another class can be taken in place to fully use the class package before the expiration date.
Loss or Damage of Personal Property
I hereby certify and understand that i KADA Dance Center Inc is not responsible for any loss or damage of personal property. Students are responsible for their own items and will not hold i KADA Dance Center accountable for any occurrence in relation.
Injury and Release of Liability
I understand the following terms and conditions:
The student hereby consents that they are participating in i KADA Dance Center Inc’s classes of their own free will and are responsible for their own personal safety.
The student also agrees that they have consulted a professional on their health matters before attending any related activities with i KADA Dance Center Inc.
Any and all risks, injuries, and/or damages occurring (before or after) the signing of this form are not the responsibility of i KADA Dance Center Inc and the student or any other party may not hold i KADA Dance Center Inc accountable for any such occurrences.
Media Consent
This consent form is proof of and indicates that i KADA Dance Center Inc has permission to record, capture, photograph, and keep any videos or pictures from inside the premises. The student understands that these images/recordings may be used for promotional materials and such by i KADA Dance Center Inc without compensation to the student. However, these images or recordings will not be published or used in any other ways without prior notice.